Beef and Lamb welcomes health support funding
The government announced today that $500,000 would be made available as a one-off funding boost to support farmers dealing with extreme weather and volatile pricing. Beef + Lamb New Zealand chairman, James Parsons welcomed the news. He said sheep and beef farmers were under pressure from prolonged drought conditions, particularly in the northern South Island. “Inevitably farmers are under immense pressure when they have thought ahead and made the best decisions around stock and pasture management on their farms. Some of our farmers have exhausted all their grazing options – they’ve sold down stock and most are below their capital stock numbers. “They’re in a really tough situation and are worried about the impacts ahead as spring approaches.” Parsons said it was good to see the government boosting support for mental health services in the regions – especially the focus on prevention and early intervention. He urged farmers to look out for each other too: “Keep talking to friends and neighbours and don’t be too proud to ask for some help.”