Top tips for feeding cows this summer
Generating and adhering to a daily feeding plan could be the key to getting cows through an expected hot summer. That’s the message from GrainCorp Feeds technical support manager Ken Winter who says effective nutrition management can be easy and rewarding if dairy farmers focus on a daily plan. Winter says a focus on nutrition for cows is essential in summer, and a lack of preparation in previous months can impact on the summer period. “In summer, we find in many cases that the main barriers to getting cows to realise their genetic production potential are underfeeding or poor feed utilisation” he says. “Often there is a lot of feed in the system, but the hot weather reduces cows’ appetites. Less feed intake means more waste and less production.” He says another reason for a sharp drop in production over the summer months could because by underperformance in the spring. This has typically been from underfeeding and overgrazing. This can be avoided with feed planning early in the season, and matching feed intake with desired output. “Fundamentally, it is important that stocking rates match predicted growth rates, poor performing paddocks are cropped where possible, and that farmers have an ‘insurance policy’ in the form of extra feed on hand to successfully get through the drier months,” he says. Supplementing with specific nutrients and minerals will depend on the individual herd and farming environment, but Winter believes protecting the liver and immune system throughout the year should be “paramount”. “Zinc supplemented early enough and long enough can protect stock against facial eczema. Molasses, salt, Levucell SC and quality concentrates will help reduce heat stress while improving dry matter intake and fibre digestion. Products like Melofeed, Selenium and Vitamin E will improve the immune function,” he says. “The key message is that […]