Faces of the future, youth making their mark in the Agri-sector
The Fieldays Online, ‘This Working Life – Careers in the Agri-sector’ series, shines a light on six young people making a difference in the primary sector. The series offers a snapshot into their journeys into the industry and why they are passionate about what they do. For Cheyenne Wilson and Sam Waugh, two dairy farmers featured, education, telling our stories better and shifting culture are key to securing a bright future for the Agri-industry. We caught up with them to hear more about their experiences. Cheyenne Wilson’s dream is to see rangatahi move into and thrive in the primary industries. The 27-year-old Southlander worked in the dairy sector full time for seven years, progressing from a calf rearer to farm manager before making the decision to head to Lincoln University and study towards an Agriculture Commerce Degree. She trained through Primary ITO while working in the industry but took the opportunity to broaden and strengthen her knowledge and skillset. Of Ngati Awa and Tuhoe descent, Cheyenne was also a finalist in the Ahuwhenua Young Maori Farmer of the Year Award in 2018. Her vision of the future is about solving two issues, getting young Maori passionate about the industry and into jobs while shifting the culture in and outside of the primary sector. As someone who wasn’t sure about what she wanted to do after high school Cheyenne recognises the need to keep ones’ options open. “I don’t think the answer is saying ok you don’t have a job, just go and milk cows. That only adds to the stigma. If someone isn’t passionate about it then don’t put them in the dairy sector. It’s not a one size fits all job. “There’s also a lack of relatable people, especially for young Maori, this is also a bigger issue for young people […]