Developing zero-carbon aquaculture through data science
A collaboration led by Victoria University of Wellington has received $13 million in funding to help New Zealand transition to a zero-carbon society by applying data science to the aquaculture industry. “New Zealand’s greatest opportunity to transition to a zero-carbon economy while improving livelihoods and wellbeing is to develop our aquaculture industry using data science,” says Professor Mengjie Zhang from the University’s School of Engineering and Computer Science, who will lead the collaboration. The University is working with Plant & Food Research, Cawthron Institute and University of Otago researchers on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment-funded project. Professor Zhang says, “Through this project we aim to develop innovative data science, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning techniques that will enable the aquaculture industry to keep growing efficiently and at large scale, producing high-quality, low-carbon protein for New Zealand and the world without compromising the environment.” The collaboration will develop data science tools to optimise the farming of Greenshell™ mussels and finfish in open ocean farms. “Collecting and incorporating various types of data through this project will unlock significant advantages for the aquaculture industry,” says Professor Zhang. “Farm managers can use these data to drive decision-making when responding to climate challenges, managing disease, improving production yields, and farming sustainably at scale.” The research team is aiming to develop innovative evolutionary and statistical learning techniques for use in the aquaculture industry, Professor Zhang says. “These learning techniques will help create better AI, which can be used to expand the capacity of the mussel and finfish farms,” he says. “This is an area in which Victoria University of Wellington scientists are leaders and can bring significant expertise to the table. “It is exciting to see data science becoming more integrated into New Zealand’s growing aquaculture sector to allow for more precise decision […]