Employers & Manufacturers congratulate John Key and National – seek acceleration of unfinished business
The Employers and Manufacturers Association extend hearty congratulations to the re-election of Prime Minister John Key and National. “Business will be pleased and relieved with the re-election of the government,” said EMA chief executive Kim Campbell. “We will now be looking for accelerated attention coming to bear on unfinished business,” he said. “In particular business will be seeking urgency to enact the Employment Relations Amendment Bill and speedy reform of the Resource Management Act. “As mooted we also want to see early progress on simplifying the tax system for SMEs, more emphasis on industry relevant skills, and more invested in innovation, science and R&D, plus co-ordinated action to boost exports. “New Zealanders knew what was at stake in the election and voted for retaining what they know is working to create a stable environment for business and jobs. “With the international scene so highly volatile, New Zealanders understand the need for certainty is vital for our future standards of living. “Clearly they get it. It was always about the economy, never about the background noise.”