Perfect Weather Grows Outstanding New Zealand Apples
Four weeks of perfect apple growing weather and New Zealand’s $700 million record crop is looking spectacular – in fruit size, quality and flavour. Pipfruit New Zealand chief executive Alan Pollard said New Zealand is growing the best apples in the world. “We are already number one for our international competitive edge and this season is going to be exceptional. “Global demand is for bigger apples and over this past month New Zealand’s apples have been feeding off the perfect growing conditions with plenty of sunshine. “Our oceanic climate is perfect for apple growing. We have a coastal sea breeze keeping apples cool during the night and are experiencing day after day of sunny and warm temperatures in the mid to high 20s.” “In January we forecasted New Zealand would produce a record export crop of $700-million. We were expecting, given the relatively cool spring conditions that trees would grow slightly smaller apples. “But a month of perfect growing conditions has seen fruit really come on, it’s going to be an outstanding season and all our growing regions will prosper,” Mr Pollard said. “New Zealand’s apple industry is entering an extremely exciting time capturing significant growth, investment and profitability. “It’s great news for our apple growing regions of Hawke’s Bay, Nelson and Central Otago, Gisborne, Waikato, Wairarapa and South Canterbury.”