Flowfresh hygiene credentials on show
Flowfresh was developed to meet a demand in the food and beverage industry for a floor that would withstand the sector’s unique challenges. Without an adequate finish underfoot, food and beverage plants were vulnerable to a long list of unwanted costs and problems. With an average life-span of approximately 15 years, food producers that have installed a Flowfresh finish know that the facility is protected for the long term against the costs and concerns of a failing floor. Lifecycle Cost Considerations The initially higher cost of installing a thicker, fit-for-purpose flooring solution can lead F&B businesses to opt for a cheaper alternative, however this logic often backfires and ends up costing the company more money over time. This point was exemplified by a formula on lifecycle cost considerations devised by Flowcrete Group Ltd.’s Technical Director, Grant Adamson. The equation takes the initial expense of a floor and adds to it annual maintenance costs, such as cleaning, repairs and upkeep as well as the price of replacing a failed floor, including the costs incurred by shutting down production. The formula is: Lifecycle Cost Considerations (LCC) Formula LCC = C + MPW + RPW The capital cost (C) of a project includes the initial capital expense for engineering, products and installation. Maintenance (M) is the sum of all yearly scheduled operation and maintenance associated with floor repairs. (R) is the replacement cost of a failed floor, including the financial impact of shutting down production. In some circumstances, the cost of a floor failure can be excessive when a food borne illness outbreak starts out as contaminant build-up in the hard to clean gaps and cracks of a deteriorating floor and from there goes on to infect produce en masse. This point was exemplified by the case of the cantaloupe producer Jensen Farms, […]