Future-focused leaders sought for DairyNZ board
Nominations have opened for two farmers to join DairyNZ’s Board of Directors.
Dairy farmers have until Thursday, September 5, to get nominations in for DairyNZ’s Board of Directors. This year, elections are taking place for two farmer-elected directors and a Directors Remuneration Committee member.

DairyNZ chairman Jim van der Poel encourages dairy farmers who are strategic thinkers, future-focused and have experience in governance and leadership to consider applying.
“Farmer-elected directors play a really key role on DairyNZ’s board and we are keen to have skilled, forward-thinking dairy leaders join our team,” said Mr van der Poel.
“So, we are looking for people who understand farm systems, research and development, policy and advocacy. Candidates should also have an understanding and interest in driving Dairy Tomorrow and therefore a vision of what the future of dairy looks like.”
Mr van der Poel said candidates must have the best interests of all New Zealand dairy farmers at heart. Broad dairy sector knowledge, strong business skills and some exposure to research and development principles are also preferred.
Nominations are also being taken for a farmer to join the DairyNZ Directors Remuneration Committee, which considers and recommends remuneration for directors each year.
All farmers paying a levy on milksolids to DairyNZ are eligible to stand for the Board of Directors and the Directors Remuneration Committee.
The DairyNZ board consists of five farmer-elected directors and three board-appointed directors. This year, director Ben Allomes is not re-standing for election.
Candidate nominations are open until September 5. Voting opens for dairy farmer levy payers on September 23 and election results will be announced at the DairyNZ Annual General Meeting on October 22.
For more information on the nomination process, visit dairynz.co.nz/agm.