DairyNZ welcomes immigration changes
DairyNZ Chief Executive Dr Tim Mackle has welcomed the announcement that the Government will be streamlining the employer assisted work visa process to help businesses and farms fill skills shortages.
“A clear and consistent message we are getting from our farmers is that they are struggling to get good staff on farm. Filling skill shortages is of critical importance to our agricultural sector” Dr Mackle said.

“DairyNZ have engaged constructively with the Government in the consultation around these changes and are pleased with the outcome. We support most of the changes, which will make it easier for our farmers, especially those in the regions, to access much needed staff.
“We will now work with dairy farmers to ensure they understand what these changes will mean for them from 2021 when the policy comes into place, and also what it might mean in the period before then.
“Our existing migrant employees are both highly valued and much needed on farm, so we will be making enquiries with the government to get clarity about what this might mean for them in the interim.
“DairyNZ will continue to focus on attracting and retaining New Zealanders into the agricultural sector. We look forward to continuing to work with Immigration NZ to help shape the policy detail to ensure it works for farmers” Dr Mackle concluded.