Dairy farmers to cast milksolids levy vote
Dairy farmers are encouraged to have their say in the milksolids levy vote 2020, which is now open for voting. It is a one-in-six year vote for industry good organisation, DairyNZ.
DairyNZ chair Jim van der Poel said the milksolids levy funds industry good activities through DairyNZ which delivers dairy sector research, development, advocacy and expertise.
“The milksolids levy has been part of New Zealand dairy farming for 17 years. Its roots are in funding work that enables farmers to continue thriving in an ever-changing world. With the challenges of COVID-19, the changing nature of farming has never been more real,” said Mr van der Poel.

“I encourage farmers to vote and ensure their dairy farm neighbours and friends have their say too. DairyNZ is a farmer-owned organisation – it’s important we receive their vote to continue supporting our farmers through science, research and advocacy.”
All levy payers – farm owners, sharemilkers and leaseholders – can place a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ vote until 5pm, May 30. The current levy order expires in November and is required by Government legislation, through the Commodity Levies Act 1990. Levy paying farmers contribute 3.6c per kilogram of milksolids (kgMS) produced.
“DairyNZ represents dairy farmers and helps deliver a better future for them and all New Zealanders, through a thriving dairy sector. If there is a yes vote, farmers will continue to receive all the benefits of DairyNZ and we will continue to support the delivery of the Dairy Tomorrow strategy, which is the sector’s blueprint for the future.”
“I believe in an organisation that exists to work exclusively for dairy farmers. Not many sectors have an industry-good organisation like ours. DairyNZ has helped us achieve real success as a sector and it’s a real strength for our future,” said Mr van der Poel.
Dairy Tomorrow guides DairyNZ’s investments and was developed by partners representing the dairy sector – DairyNZ, Dairy Women’s Network, Federated Farmers and Dairy Companies Association of New Zealand.
Through the milksolids levy, DairyNZ invests in farm systems, research and development, environmental protection, animal care, biosecurity, building great dairy workplaces, industry sponsorships and supporting vibrant communities. DairyNZ’s investment in TBfree’s national bovine tuberculosis (TB) control programme is the single largest investment from the milksolids levy.
The milksolids levy vote is open from mid-April until 30 May 2020. Voting packs have been posted to all eligible levy paying dairy farmers, including sharemilkers and dairy farm leaseholders, who produce milk from cows and supplied a dairy processor in the 2019/20 season (year ended 31 May 2020).
Voting packs will be in mailboxes soon. Farmers can vote via www.dairynz.co.nz or post until 30 May 2020. With some uncertainty around mail delivery during COVID-19, farmers are encouraged to vote early.