Old dirt, new boots: the economics of land, water and people
The evolution of New Zealand’s farming systems towards greater sustainability, and one man’s journey to redefine what it means to be an academic, are the topics for an inaugural professorial lecture being held at the University of Waikato this month. At just 40 years old, Professor Graeme Doole is one of New Zealand’s leading environmental economists. He grew up on a sheep and beef farm in the Taihape region of the central North Island, and has spent the past decade researching the environmental problems associated with agricultural activity on both sides of the Tasman. Professor Doole acts as an economic adviser to the Ministry for the Environment, in a position jointly funded by the Ministry and the University’s Waikato Management School. One key aspect of his role is to help central and regional government develop insights into the economic impact of new environmental policies that will significantly improve the water quality of New Zealand’s rivers, lakes and streams. “Society wants better water quality, but at the same time our national economy is heavily reliant on agriculture. Now we’re faced with trying to reverse-engineer our traditional farming systems, and that’s really difficult,” he says. In recent years, Professor Doole says his academic practice has shifted towards “a more pragmatic economics where I can engage with people and help to solve real-world problems. You’re always hoping that your work will transform the world for the better, even in some small way, rather than just living in a book.” The loss of contaminants from farms into waterways remains a huge challenge for New Zealand to overcome. However, Professor Doole believes researchers often spend too long trying to build complex models, rather than looking for simpler solutions that would lead to quick environmental wins. “We need to ask ourselves, right now, what is the […]