Agrigate to revolutionise farm performance
Waikato dairy farmer Bill Aubrey believes Agrigate, the new online tool, will be revolutionary in helping farmers improve their farm performance. Developed by Fonterra Farm Source and LIC, Agrigate combines all the key data farmers need to make faster and smarter decisions on one, easy to use online dashboard. LIC Chief Executive and Agrigate Chairman Wayne McNee says “having data in one place and working in real time makes it easier to make comparisons, see trends and make better management decisions. A key outcome will be enabling farmers to make the most efficient use of their resources – which is important in both tough and better times.” Fonterra Farm Source Chief Operating Officer Miles Hurrell says “the ultimate goal of this project is to support our farmers by giving them a tool to help maximise their on-farm performance, productivity and profitability. As a simple, easy-to-use tool Agrigate is a great example of dairy industry innovation. It allows farmers to identify areas of their business where they are performing well and areas where improvements can be made.” Agrigate has been designed to help farmers plan ahead, using existing data to assess the interaction between different on-farm factors, such as weather conditions, animal health, milk production, financials, pasture cover and fertiliser applications. Agrigate will help farmers track what effect each factor has on the others so that they can plan accordingly. For example, farmers will be able to see what impact factors like herd size; milking frequency and fertiliser use have on pasture cover, milk volume and quality, and milk solids production per hectare. Agrigate will also allow farmers to benchmark these farm factors on a scale that they haven’t been able to in the past, a feature that has impressed Bill Aubrey. “I can compare past and present, regional and national […]