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Permalink: http://nzfoodmanufacturer.co.nz/partnership-farm…hg-possibilities/ partnership-farm-trials-show-ghg-possibilities
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Word count: 835   Last edited by Doug Green on March 27, 2019 at 3:34 pm


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Published on: Mar 27, 2019 @ 15:34 Edit date and time
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SEO title preview: Partnership farm trials show GHG possibilities • NZ Food Manufacturer
Slug preview: nzfoodmanufacturer.co.nz/partnership-farm-trials-show-ghg-possibilities/
Meta description preview: An 18-month long project to understand how changes on farm to reduce greenhouse gas emissions may impact a farms profitability and productivity has come to

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  • Good SEO score You've never used this focus keyword before, very good.
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